
TotalVario Documentation

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TotalVario no longer in the Play Store (02 June 24)

Today I removed the - already outdated - TotalVario app version from the Play Store.
There are several reasons for this. First, I am no longer able to invest unpaid time and effort just to comply with Google's ever-changing programming guidelines and irrational API changes with each new Android version. Now they will close my secondary developer account for which I payed 25 USD some time ago, just because I didn't use it so far. No refund at all. BTW, after many years they have now also removed other well-known, non-commercial (even open source) apps like XCSoar and TopHat Soaring. 

There is also another completely different reason. Youtube is run by the same company, and I absolutely do not want to collaborate in any way with a media company that publishes videos of neo-Nazis, terrorists and extremist groups trying to destabilize governments around the world, including Germany. (At least in Germany, YT constantly suggests you watch such things as soon as you use it). For me this is not acceptable at all and I hope you agree.



TotalVario is a non-commercial flight instrument app for hang glider and paraglider pilots.

The app was originally programmed for more than 3 years just for fun and personal use as a hang gliding instrument. The main aim was to provide all the essential information on one screen, with the best possible visibility and readability on a standard 5'' to 6'' smartphone, and to minimise the need for manual intervention in flight. I use it in conjunction with the Tophat Soaring app.

Over the time it has become a nice app with some unique features. Encouraged by friends, finally I decided to publish it, because other hanggliding or paragliding pilots might like to use it. There are no commercial plans - the hours spent developing and testing will certainly never pay off.

To use TotalVario, you need either a smartphone with a built-in, high-quality Baro sensor or a compatible Bluetooth mini-variometer such as the BlueflyVario or XCTracer or another compatible Bluetooth sensor.

TotalVario has everything to process and visualize airspeed, which can come from a Pitot or a vane wheel sensor. Unfortunately, there are very few Bluetooth devices with airspeed/Pitot available on the public market. 

If you are interested in building a fully functional instrument with very accurate vario and airspeed, check out FlyingSilicon. The Binary and Source packages are here for download (this is what I currently use myself for flying).

Use the "Translate" button (in the footer of the web view) to see a machine translation of this blog into your language. I've put some effort into making sure it gives reasonable results (at least for my native language). TotalVario itself is only available in English so far. 

In case of a technical problem you can use the e-mail address to contact me. Describe your problem as precisely as possible. If you attach an FDR file from the flight recorder, that will be very helpful.

If you like TotalVario and intend to use it, just tell me. You can also make a donation using the Paypal button below. 😉

Note: The advertising option has been completely removed in the newer releases!

The pages listed in the content menu provide all kinds of information, such as a list of features and a quick guide. For example, 




Before using TotalVario, please check that your GPS is fully functional and is operating with full performance.

  • Turn off power-saving mode.

  • In newer Android versions, the GPS is throttled to save the battery. This is not visible to the normal user, but for sports applications it can be a no-go. Unfortunately there is only a hidden way to change this ugly default behavior. To force full GNSS measurements, navigate to Settings > System > Advanced > Developer Mode and activate the option "Force full GNSS measurements".

Developer mode can be activated on most smartphones by tapping the build number seven times. The build number can usually be found under Settings - About phone - Build number. Please note: With some of the developer mode settings, protection mechanisms are bypassed and it becomes easier for any app to hack the phone.

Live tracking / IGC upload connection problems

If you use an 'old' Android device like my Note 3, you will probably observe problems with the live tracking / IGC upload connections. The reason is that your device has an outdated 'CA Root Certificate' store. Starting from TotalVario 31 you can disable the server identity check to bypass this problem. The better solution is to install missing certificates. Read here how to proceed.


The download server http://bewing.bplaced.net/totalvario is an HTTP server (sorry) and you may get warnings. If you want, you can use the SHA256 checksums provided in the change log to verify the file integrity. For direct download, please use [Mouse R] - [Save As ...] on the links.

Latest APK 31 (Apr 12, 2024)



Copyright (c) 2024, Bernd Wing*. All rights reserved.